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Web Development In 2024: Understanding UI/UX, Design Potential and Salary Expectations


Web Development In 2024: Understanding UI/UX, Design Potential and Salary Expectations

Share this article — In this digital era, more and more people, organizations, companies, and others want to show their presence online. One way to do this is through a website. Your use of the website must be consistent with your understanding of web development.

The need for web development skills has increased the demand for jobs called web developer or website engineer. Therefore, those who want to explore this field should be familiar with web development.

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So what is web development and how is it done? If yes, this article will answer your questions. Read the full explanation here. Okay!

What is web development?

What is web development? Web development is the process of maintaining and building websites.

In this case, the task of web development is to create attractive and fast-performing websites that meet customer needs.

The web development process starts from design, content, script creation, and server settings to network security settings.

Specializations that must be carried out in web development include coding website pages using a text editor, creating websites using Dreamweaver, and updating blogs.

In conclusion, what is web development? Simply put, web development is the service of creating, maintaining, and updating websites to ensure they perform optimally and meet your customers’ needs.

In industry, web development is very important as it plays a role in introducing and promoting products and services to potential customers so that they can easily identify them and increase the value of the product.

Important Terms in Web Development

After understanding what web development is, now is the time to learn the important terms involved in web development. Some important terms in web development include:

1. Understand web developers

A web developer is a person behind the scenes who creates, maintains, and develops websites or web development.

The duties and responsibilities of a web developer are to create websites or applications such as menu buttons, search boxes, etc. Additionally, you need to ensure that your website functions optimally according to your customers’ needs.

2. Understand the program

A program usually represents an organized set of instructions. This series of instructions is then executed to perform a specific task or function.

A computer’s central processing unit is required to process programs. Simply put, this software is a program that is on your device.

3. Understand the code

Code or Program Code is a programming term used to describe written instructions. These codes are written in a specific programming language such as Java, C, or Python. Web developers need to master code or programming languages ​​to do their work well.

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4. Understand the website

A website is a collection of web pages that are interconnected and can be accessed via the home page using a browser over the network.

Nowadays, creating a website is very easy using various platforms that are widely available online.

5. Understand IP addresses

An IP address or IP address is a number used to identify a server computer address on the Internet.

So friends, as you know, every IP address is different.

6. Diverse understanding

HTTP is a regulatory system used to regulate how data is transmitted between two devices/devices (for example between a web server and a computer).

Data transfer management systems are called protocols.

7. Understand programming languages

A programming language, or what is usually called a computer language, is a set of instructions given to a computer to carry out certain tasks in solving problems and processing data, with completion steps determined by the programmer.

8. Understand the frontend

The front end is the computer user interface or application. Front end is useful for making software or operating systems easier to use and understand by users.

9. Understand the backend

The backend is the work done behind a website. Like the frontend, the backend also has its own programmer and usually uses programming languages ​​such as PHP, Ruby, Python, etc.

10. Understand full stack

In addition to frontend and backend, there are also full-stack developers who manage both sides of the client, from frontend to backend, as well as the software code that connects the two.

Therefore, as a full-stack developer, your job is more complex and requires a deeper understanding of programming.

11. Understand content management systems (CMS).

CMS is software used to create websites automatically without programming.

In addition, this CMS allows anyone to add, manipulate or change site/website content. Starting with design, data processing and integration with hosting.

12. Understand wireframes

Also called a wireframe or mockup. To design a product so it can be approved and manufactured, you must create a wireframe first.

In other words, a wireframe is a web or application design prototype.

13. Sitemap definition

A sitemap contains a list of the most important parts of your website. Sitemaps make it easier for systems to understand the structure of your site.

Therefore, sitemaps help search engines find and crawl your site so that users can find it easily.

14. Understand the user interface

The user interface is a graphic representation of the website or application that is being developed. A user interface is a form of graphic display that is directly relevant to the user.

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Therefore, the UI must ensure that the products created can operate smoothly.

15. Understand user experience

UX or UX is the design of interactions with digital products. The better the user experience of your product, the more people will use it.

Therefore, user experience should consider how easy it is for users to navigate your website or app.

Types of web development

After understanding what web development is and the important terms in it.

So, do you know what types of web development are? The different types of website development are:

1. Front end development

Here, front-end developers are tasked with building a graphical display interface (also known as UI).

This is done to achieve business goals when creating a website. That’s why this type is very important for entrepreneurs.

2. Back-end development

Here, developers are tasked with managing software, servers, and website software to ensure all functions work properly.

Backend developers work invisibly. This means that we work on the system, starting from the operating system, database, API and server.

3. Full-stack development

Here, the developer’s way of working lies between the front-end and back-end.

Full-stack developers are tasked with creating websites and software from start to finish of development.

Full-stack developer performance is very complete because it requires a deeper understanding of programming.

4. Website development

Website development is the practice of website development carried out by web developers.

Website development includes front-end, back-end, and full-stack development.

5. Embedded development

Embedded development is development for all types of devices. Examples include Bluetooth technology and virtual assistants on gadgets.

During development, there are many skills to master, including the C++ and Python programming languages.

6. Development of cellular telephones

Mobile apps have different operating processes than websites and other software.

Therefore, mobile development is a solution because it is the practice of developing applications for smartphones or tablets.

Mobile developers must master application programming interfaces (APIs). It lets you grab data from other platforms and direct it to your phone screen.

7. Desktop development

Desktop development is a way for desktop developers to develop applications that run locally on a device.

You are used to using various applications created by desktop developers, including Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, and Microsoft Office.

8. Game development

Game development is the process of writing code to develop video games.

Because the video games they create also run on smartphones, the skills game developers need overlap with mobile development.

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A surprising difference is that game developers must have C++ programming language skills because most applications are designed using the C++ programming language.

9. Security development

Secure development is the process of creating secure systems for software and websites. Ethical hacking procedures are usually carried out by security developers.

For example, creating systems that navigate websites to find errors and find and fix security risks.

Web development work process

Now that you understand what web development is and its important terms and types, you need to know how it works.

The web development work process is explained as follows.

1. Information collection

The first step is to gather information to determine next steps.

This is to help you understand the type of clients you want to reach so you can formulate the best strategy for future client projects.

2. Determination of development plans

The second step in the web development work process is to create a development plan to evaluate the appearance quality of your site.

You can create a sitemap that explains the main links on your site.

This highly effective representation helps developers understand the features that create the final product, allowing them to understand the relationships between the various pages on the site.

We also started wireframing the visual representation of the user interface, including logo design elements and colors.

3. Design design

In the final stage, the design is implemented so that the exterior begins to take shape.

So prepare all your content visually until it starts to take shape. We start with images, photos, and videos in the layout section of the web page.

So, that’s the discussion about web development that has successfully summarized.

Web development is an important process for creating and maintaining websites.

How Much Does a Web Developer Earn?

After understanding what a web developer is, along with their responsibilities and the skills they need to master, you may be curious about the income or salary for this profession. According to a Glassdoor survey in January 2024, the average salary for web developers in Indonesia, across all levels (junior to senior) and all industry sectors, is around IDR 6 million per month.

Quite enticing, right? This amount does not even include additional earnings from profit sharing, tips, commissions, and other benefits, which can total over IDR 13 million per month

Now that you understand what web development is, are you more interested in building websites?

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